2023 Annual Report

Published: 19 Jun 2024


Our annual report describes milestones achieved by the Fairtrade system in 2023, thanks to the commitment and innovation of farmers and workers, Fairtrade member organisations, partners, and citizens.

"We are living in a rapidly changing world. Whether it’s related to climate, conflict, cost of living, or new regulations, we are all being called on to adapt and to act. Initiatives that are supposed to protect people and planet – for instance, a focus on deforestation and human rights – have good intentions, but often lead to more burden and expense for farmers and workers – simply to maintain market access. Amidst all the crises and well-intentioned initiatives, there is an increasing call for collective action from all our stakeholders –businesses, producers, policymakers and consumers – to drive solutions together. This has been at the heart of our work over the past 12 months."

-- Sandra Uwera Murasa, Global CEO & Melissa Duncan, Executive Director of Fairtrade International, from the report's Foreword