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A fairer future is possible

Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairer deal for farmers and workers.

  • 1 930
    produsentorganisasjoner i 70 land
  • + 37000
    Over 37 000 Fairtrade-merkede produkter i salg i 140 land
Good for people and planet

Benefits of Fairtrade

Sustainable consumption and production has become the expectation rather than the exception. Fairtrade offers solutions for companies and producers to put fairness at the heart of their operations.

Key benefits



What if purchases could drive sustainable growth, support communities, and protect resources? From cocoa to sugar and coffee, there is a wide array Fairtrade products creating measurable impact.

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Areas of focus

We want to build a world where everyone benefits from quality products, and enjoys quality of life. But this cannot be done in silo. You cannot separate human rights from environmental rights, child protection from living incomes and gender equity from.

Key issues