Development of a policy brief and an advocacy roadmap: Obtaining and/or influence agro-ecological policies supporting Fairtrade banana producers in Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Ecuador in their efforts to transition to sustainable agriculture

Brief overview of tender

The general objective of the consultancy is connected with output 1 of the ECFFPA programme funding the action which reads as follows:

Output 1: The Fairtrade network strengthens its capacity to exert greater influence on legislation and public policies and private sector practices at national, regional and global levels that impact Producer Organisations.

More specifically, the consultancy objective is to:

Develop a policy brief and an advocacy roadmap focusing on Fairtrade bananas, through a consultative process (e.g. workshops).

The advocacy roadmap:

  • Is based on a thorough analysis of the challenges and opportunities in the banana sector and of the policy context in the countries at stake, for enabling banana producers to successfully transition to or maintain agroecological practices.
  • Identifies advocacy priorities, maps stakeholders and resources, and comprises an advocacy action plan tailored to the capacity of the country/banana network that will implement it.

The policy brief is a set of key policy asks, targeting policy-makers at local, national,regional, EU and global levels aimed at policy and regulatory change relevant for banana (incl. targeting EU-Delegations or regional and international bodies).

Deadline: 22 May 2024

Please note: guidance on how to apply is available in the download.