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Fairtrade Standards

The Fairtrade Standards are the foundation of our work. They establish what we mean by sustainable farming, decent work, and fair trading relations, and detail what we want to achieve.

Bananas on a shelf with the Fairtrade mark
Bananas on a shelf with the Fairtrade mark

The Standards provide the framework for Fairtrade certification by detailing the requirements that players in Fairtrade supply chains must fulfil. That includes farmer cooperatives, large farms or factories with a hired workforce, and companies who buy and sell Fairtrade products.

The Fairtrade Standards incorporate comprehensive social, economic, and environmental criteria with the aim to level the playing field in global trade and build fair food systems for the generations to follow.

Current Fairtrade Standards

Our standards are tailored to the realities of farmer cooperatives, workers at large farms or factories, artisanal miners, as well as traders and companies who buy and sell Fairtrade products.

Check which standards apply to whom

Minimum Price and Premium database

When selling their products through Fairtrade, producers can rely on the safety net of the Fairtrade Minimum Price and will receive the additional Fairtrade Premium to invest in projects of their choice.

Look up Fairtrade Prices and Premiums

How we set standards

The Fairtrade Standards are set through a transparent process with participation of farmers and workers, businesses and external experts.

Learn more about standard-setting

Objectives of the Fairtrade Standards

The Fairtrade Standards aim to provide a structure for sustainable agricultural production, protect workers’ rights, and distribute power in trade relations more equally between producers and buyers.

Delve into the standard objectives

Standards and pricing work in progress

We regularly set new Fairtrade standards and prices or review existing ones. Here you can get an overview of what we're working on, participate in consultations, and find announcements of new or revised standards and prices.

See what we're currently working on

Control mechanisms

Standards are meaningless if not checked for compliance – which is why Fairtrade operates a rigorous certification scheme. Compliance is checked through regular audits by the independent certifier FLOCERT. The audits involve physical inspections of fields, plants and offices as well as document and finance reviews and confidential interviews with staff members. FLOCERT is an ISO 17065-accredited enterprise and audit procedures are in line with ISEAL’s Assurance Code.

Learn how certification and audits work