Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade: Coffee
Monitoring report, 10th Edition
Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade: Coffee – Monitoring report, 10th Edition
Coffee continues to be the most significant product within the Fairtrade product range in terms of production volume as well as the number of producers involved. Today, there are 582 Fairtrade certified coffee producer organizations across 32 countries, with a total of 762,392 farmer members. From 2016 to 2017, sales volumes (MT) have shown a growth of 15 percent. And there is still room for more growth. However, the coffee sector faces a wide range of sustainability challenges, from record low market prices to the negative effects of climate change, from decreasing soil fertility to gender imbalances and aging coffee producers. Given these threats, deepening the benefits of Fairtrade and providing education on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) have become more important than ever.