Le filiere Fairtrade
Gli Standard Fairtrade coprono una grande quantità di materie prime. Per ciascuna di queste filiere, scegliere di acquistare Fairtrade significa fare una reale differenza per chi coltiva questi prodotti nel mondo. Approfondisci le filiere Fairtrade in questa sezione del sito.
Fairtrade Geographic Scope
Fairtrade's mission is to promote fairer trading conditions for disadvantaged producers. The geographical scope policy details the countries and territories where producers are eligible for Fairtrade certification.
In order to determine which countries can be included in the geographical scope, Fairtrade considers such factors as income per capita, wealth disparity, other economic and social indicators, and Fairtrade's own ability to support producers and achieve long-term impacts.
The geographical scope is also used to identify Fairtrade pricing regions for the Fairtrade Minimum Price and Premium (see the second tab of the map below for pricing regions).
Download the list of countries covered by Fairtrade, and further details on how they are selected:
EN | Fairtrade Geographical Scope Policy of Producer Certification
ES | Política del Alcance Geográfico para la Certificación de Productores de Comercio Justo Fairtrade
PT | Política de Escopo Geográfico de Certificação de Produtor para o Comércio Justo Fairtrade