News and Features

  • Belize sugar cane farmers aim to be “best in class” for protecting children and young people

    Article posted: 10 Mar 2016

    “Child labour is one of the biggest challenges facing farmers and workers in developing countries,” says Anita Sheth, Fairtrade International’s Senior Advisor on Social Compliance and Development.

  • Behind the Petal

    Article posted: 8 Mar 2016

    Gender inequality is often seen as a women’s issue. Wrong! Gender is not about women – it’s about power balances between men and women, and relationships which are free from prejudice.

  • Fairtrade Awards - outstanding organizations honoured

    Press release posted: 3 Mar 2016

    Fairtrade farmers, workers, traders and supporters who are driving change in their own communities were among those honoured at the second International Fairtrade Awards in Berlin tonight.

  • Fairtrade Awards 2016

    Article posted: 3 Mar 2016

    The International Fairtrade Awards were celebrated in Berlin on 3 March 2016. For the second time, Fairtrade honoured outstanding farmers, workers, traders and supporters who are driving change in ...

  • Fairtrade Farmers and Workers Benefit from Record Premium Money

    Press release posted: 29 Feb 2016

    The extra money paid to farmers and workers who are certified as Fairtrade has risen above the €100 million mark for the first time, according to new figures released today. The Fairtrade Premium, as ...

  • Changing Trade, Changing Lives: A Five-Year Strategy

    Article posted: 17 Feb 2016

    Fairtrade aims to make important contributions to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Deeper impact, more benefits for smallholders and workers, and greater advocacy role among ambitious ...

  • Fairtrade Climate Academy Gets Boost from Dutch Postcode Lottery

    Article posted: 27 Jan 2016

    At the yearly ‘Goed Geld Gala’ on January 26th, the Dutch Postcode Lottery announced that they will support the Fairtrade Climate Academy, a new program proposed by Max Havelaar (Fairtrade ...

  • Fairtrade International recognized for transparency

    Article posted: 17 Dec 2015

    Fairtrade International is proud to be top of the list in Bond and Nido’s Transparency Review 2015 of 48 organizations, together with BBC Media Action and Oxfam.

  • Peruvian Banana Farmers Adept at Adaptation

    Article posted: 15 May 2015

    Organic banana farmers in Peru are seeing the effect of climate change and beginning the process of adapting with help from Kaufland, a German chain of super markets, and Fairtrade International.

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We were taught to serve, to be workers. Now with Fairtrade, we are entrepreneurs.Martial Quintero, banana producer, Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples Bananera del Atlantico, Panama

Image of Fairtrade bananas