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  • 2016-17 annual report

    Publication: published 12 Oct 2017

    Our 2016-17 annual report was presented as a microsite, and provides an overview of key Fairtrade activities and statistics. Visit the 2016-2017 annual report microsite "April marked the 20th ...

  • Fiji’s Fairtrade sugar farmers urge action on climate change

    Press release: posted 5 Nov 2017

    Fairtrade sugar farmers from Fiji, already grappling with the forces of climate change, are urging world leaders at the latest round of UN climate talks to fulfil their commitments on reducing ...

  • Fiji sugar farmers adapt to survive

    Article: posted 7 Nov 2017

    When Cyclone Winston drove a destructive path across the Pacific in February 2016, it was just the latest in a series of extreme weather events to hit Fiji. Winston left 44 people dead in its wake ...

  • Coffee farmers go back to school

    Article: posted 13 Nov 2017

    It’s a blisteringly hot day at the Machakos Union coffee cooperative, 60 kilometres south of the capital, Nairobi. Despite the heat, more than a hundred coffee farmers – women and men – are sitting ...

  • Luxembourg’s Grand Duke Declares Support for Fairtrade and its Work on Climate Change

    Article: posted 16 Nov 2017

    His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg expressed his continuing support for Fairtrade in a meeting with Fairtrade Global CEO Dario Soto Abril at the COP23 UN Climate Conference in Bonn on 16 ...

  • Coffee to go?

    Article: posted 17 Nov 2017

    La roya. Leaf rust. Words which strike fear into the hearts of tens of thousands of coffee growers around the world.

  • Fairtrade Joins Global Deal

    Article: posted 22 Nov 2017

    Fairtrade International has been invited to join the Global Deal – a multi-stakeholder partnership initiated by the Swedish Prime Minister, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the ...

  • Fairtrade Announces Two New Initiatives Supported by European Union

    Article: posted 12 Jan 2018

    Fairtrade is excited to announce two new initiatives that will promote sustainable consumption and production in Europe and Asia.

  • Farm workers stand to earn more through a new partnership for Fairtrade poinsettias

    Press release: posted 23 Jan 2018

    Poinsettias have been a sign of Christmas in many countries for a century or more. Now, these houseplants are also a sign of a new opportunity for workers on young plant farms. Fairtrade ...

  • Pushing for More Gender Equity in the Banana Sector

    Article: posted 2 Feb 2018

    An interview with Silvia Campos, Global Product Manager for Bananas at Fairtrade International and a member of the Gender Equity Task Force of the World Banana Forum.

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"Fairtrade Premium encourages us, as women cocoa farmers, to be able to achieve certain things. We know that with Fairtrade there is a Premium waiting for us, and for each woman, you can do what is in your heart."Rosine Bekoin, member of the CAYAT co-operative