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  • From child labor to the future of food: the voices of young people change agriculture for the better

    Article: posted 12 Jun 2018

    "On World Day Against Child Labor, we’d do well to listen carefully to the voices of young people who hold the future of the world’s food in their hands".

  • Involvement and working conditions of youth in sugar cane cutting in Belize - 2018

    Publication: published 27 Jul 2018

    This study, commissioned by Fairtrade International and undertaken with the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association, has two purposes. Firstly, it aims to research an understudied aspect of sugar cane ...

  • Grassroots study by young Belizeans helps to fight child labour

    Article: posted 3 Aug 2018

    Grassroots research by young people from a Fairtrade sugar producer organization in Belize has given unique insights into the experience of young cane cutters in the Central American country and ...

  • Baseline for assessing the impact of Fairtrade certification on cocoa growers and cooperatives in Côte d’Ivoire

    Publication: published 10 Aug 2018

    Fairtrade International and Fairtrade Africa commissioned the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and Bioversity International to carry out baseline research with smallholder cocoa growers and their ...

  • Fairtrade figures: what can data tell us?

    Article: posted 16 Aug 2018

    "It’s important to look at the numbers. Are more organizations continuing to gain Fairtrade certification? Are sales growing? How are Fairtrade farmers and workers choosing to spend their Premium ...

  • Monitoring report 2017

    Publication: published 16 Aug 2018

    This report presents the 2016 monitoring data on Fairtrade certified producer organizations, covering all products and countries, with a special focus on the seven major products that represent a ...

  • Coffee

    Product overview

    Synonymous with starting your day, coffee is a big business. Fairtrade aims to give coffee farmers stability in an unpredictable market environment.

  • Bananas

    Product overview

    A go-to snack for people on the run, bananas are a supermarket staple. Fairtrade works with banana farmers and workers to create sustainable livelihoods.

  • Cocoa

    Product overview

    Chances are you ate some this week – the world loves cocoa, but wouldn’t love the conditions of many of those who grow it. Fairtrade works to give cocoa farmers a leg up.

  • Flowers

    Product overview

    Flowers are admired for their beauty, but growing them is tough work. Fairtrade empowers flower workers in a number of ways.

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“Now with Fairtrade we have been able to take courses, educate the women. We have a group of women farming entrepreneurs with the help of Fairtrade. Women workers have also had business training and created a group of women entrepreneurs.”Yadira Orozco, member of the Asobanar Cooperative