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  • Impact monitoring

    In 2016 we started a long-term data collection initiative to measure Fairtrade's impact for farmers and workers over time.

  • Our general assembly and board

    The international Fairtrade system is governed by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.

  • Our partners

    Fairtrade enables positive change through long-term partnerships working towards a common goal.

  • Key policies

    In the interests of transparency, these pages cover some key policies.

  • About the standards

    The Fairtrade Standards are designed to tackle poverty and empower producers in the poorest countries in the world. The standards apply to both producers and traders.

  • Fairtrade Standards

    This page provides key information about the Fairtrade Standards, including our product classification, geographical scope policy, hazardous materials list, and access to the Standards themselves.

  • Producer networks and producer organizations

    Three regional Producer Networks represent and support thousands of Fairtrade certified producer organizations, and close to 2 million farmers and workers.

  • Fairtrade organisations and businesses

    Your local Fairtrade organisation is the best place to find out where you can buy Fairtrade products, how to become a licensee, or learn what’s happening near you.

  • Fairtrade International

    Fairtrade International works to share the benefits of trade more equally – through standards, certification, producer support, programmes and advocacy.

  • What is Fairtrade?

    Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries.

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There’s happiness in the cooperative! Before [Fairtrade] we didn’t earn enough. Now when I get ill the coop looks after me. Before people came, bought our cocoa and we never saw them again.Issouf Traore, cocoa farmer, ECOOKIM - ECOJAD, Côte d'Ivoire

Image of an open cocoa pod