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  • Assuring consumer confidence in ethical trade

    Publication: published 31 Oct 2010

    Given the rapid increase in ethical labelling schemes around the world and the need to better understand the problems associated with inaccurate and unreliable claims, an "Ethical Trade Fact-finding ...

  • Fairtrade child labour position paper

    Publication: published 2 Nov 2010

    This paper explains Fairtrade's position on child labour and how it works to stop and prevent child labour within producer organizations.

  • The great cotton stitch-up

    Publication: published 30 Nov 2010

    Cotton is at the heart of agricultural and economic development in many African countries. It makes a vital contribution to foreign exchange earnings and accounts for a significant proportion of GDP ...

  • Fairtrade’s contribution to a more sustainable world

    Publication: published 31 Dec 2010

    The focus of this paper is on Fairtrade's role in sustainable development.

  • Partnership for prosperity

    Publication: published 25 Mar 2011

    A partnership between Fairtrade International and the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) is helping build local capacity. Fairtrade International liaison officers and SNV work to develop ...

  • Poverty reduction and trade: Fairtrade as a vehicle to combat poverty

    Publication: published 28 May 2011

    This paper looks at the obstacles faced by producers from developing countries on the international trading market and how the Fairtrade system can support them and help combat poverty through ...

  • 2010-11 annual report

    Publication: published 10 Jun 2011

    Our annual report for 2010-11 provides an overview of key Fairtrade activities and statistics. 2010 was a year of challenge, yet at the same time one of achievements. Fairtrade sales remain resilient ...

  • Fairtrade and cocoa – 2011

    Publication: published 31 Aug 2011

    50 million people globally depend on cocoa for their livelihoods. This briefing provides a detailed overview on the growers, buyers, consumers and market complexities.

  • Food miles and Fairtrade

    Publication: published 30 Nov 2011

    ‘Food miles’ refers to the distance that food travels from producer to consumer, from ‘farm to fork’. This paper explains the Fairtrade perspective that the current 'food miles' concept is an ...

  • Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade – third edition – 2011

    Publication: published 10 Jan 2012

    This report gives the results of the annual monitoring data collection from Fairtrade certified producer organizations which took place during 2010. It presents the scope and scale of Fairtrade in ...

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Fairtrade has changed [conditions] a lot... women and men now have the same rights. There are regular working hours, fixed leave days, and significantly improved safety regulations.Rosemary Achieng, supervisor, Panda Flowers Farm, Kenya

Image of white roses at Fairtrade flower farm