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  • 2019-2020 Annual Report

    Publication: published 8 Dec 2020

    Our annual report for 2019-2020 highlights Fairtrade's impact for more than 1.7 million farmers and workers around the world. Focusing on key metrics from 2019, innovative programmes, and timely ...

  • Lime announcement

    Standards and pricing announcement

    During the 94th Standards Committee meeting on November 25th and 26th 2020, the Standards Committee decided on changes to the Fresh fruit, and the Prepared and Preserved Standards related to the ...

  • Our annual report is here!

    Press release: posted 9 Dec 2020

    Our annual report for 2019-2020 highlights Fairtrade's impact for more than 1.7 million farmers and workers around the world.

  • Progress and uptake of the Fairtrade gender strategy

    Publication: published 10 Dec 2020

    This study was commissioned to assess progress on the Fairtrade Gender Strategy 2016-2020, which seeks to build women's equality through three goals: Access and inclusion: Significantly increase the ...

  • New Fairtrade study highlights successes and ways forward towards gender equality

    Article: posted 10 Dec 2020

    The study focuses on six Fairtrade coffee cooperatives in Guatemala, Indonesia and Kenya, and how they made progress on inclusion, empowerment and transformative change.

  • The Increasing Value of Sustainability among consumers

    Article: posted 14 Dec 2020

    How willing are consumers to purchase products made in a fair and ethical way? Does that change across countries? These, and many other questions, were explored as part of the Trade Fair Live Fair ...

  • Cooperative spirit helps West African cocoa farmers through the COVID crisis

    Article: posted 15 Dec 2020

    Along with small-scale farmers the world over, West African cocoa producers were hit by the pandemic. The Fairtrade Relief Fund came at just the right time when the producers needed it most

  • Living Wage in Banana Hired Labour Organizations

    Standards and pricing announcement

    During the 94th Standards Committee meeting on November 25th and 26th 2020, the Standards Committee approved changes for the Fresh Fruit Standards for Hired labour organizations and traders. You can ...

  • Fairtrade Takes Big Step towards Living Wages for Banana Workers

    Press release: posted 15 Dec 2020

    The new Fairtrade Base Wage marks a unique move towards a living wage, benefitting thousands of banana planatation workers.

  • An uncertain future for Latin American cocoa farmers

    Article: posted 17 Dec 2020

    Latin America was one of the regions hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, but without Fairtrade support it would have been a lot worse, says Basilio Almonte, Cocoa Coordinator at the Latin American ...

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“Now with Fairtrade we have been able to take courses, educate the women. We have a group of women farming entrepreneurs with the help of Fairtrade. Women workers have also had business training and created a group of women entrepreneurs.”Yadira Orozco, member of the Asobanar Cooperative