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  • Branching out: Fairtrade in Malawi

    Publication: published 18 Jun 2013

    The international Fairtrade system has commissioned a long-term study on the effects of Fairtrade on five organizations in Malawi, a Least Developed Country. These research papers highlight the ...

  • 2012-13 annual report

    Publication: published 3 Sep 2013

    Our annual report for 2012-2013 provides an overview of key Fairtrade activities and statistics. “For the past 25 years, we have taken the vision of the pioneering fair traders to the wider public, ...

  • Study of industrial relations on Fairtrade certified farms in the Urabá region

    Publication: published 11 Sep 2013

    This study was commissioned by Fairtrade International in order to learn from the progress made on workers’ rights on banana farms in the Urabá region of Colombia.

  • Impacts of Fairtrade on worker-defined forms of empowerment on Ecuadorian flower plantations

    Publication: published 14 Feb 2014

    Over the past ten years, flowers have become a major product category for Fairtrade. In 2012, 536 million Fairtrade flower stems were sold. This report by independent researcher Angus Lyall ...

  • Fairtrade impact on smallholders and workers in the banana sector in northern Colombia

    Publication: published 4 Apr 2014

    Fairtrade bananas have been on the market for nearly 19 years and are one of the most successful Fairtrade products in many markets – up to 50 percent market share in some countries. The study by ...

  • Fairtrade cocoa in West Africa

    Publication: published 6 Jun 2014

    Fairtrade cocoa farmers in West Africa are investing in their farms, crop infrastructure and communities – but they need deeper, long-term partnerships to drive change. Thus concludes the report ...

  • Fairtrade Farmers Gear Up to Address Child Labour

    Article: posted 11 Jun 2014

    The ILO estimates there are 168 million children still working across the globe. On World Day Against Child Labour we realize that while worldwide condemnation of child labour and standards ...

  • Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade – fifth edition – 2013

    Publication: published 11 Jun 2014

    This report gives the results of the annual monitoring data collection from Fairtrade certified producer organizations which took place during 2012. It presents the scope and scale of Fairtrade in ...

  • Committed to Impact, Fairtrade Complies with ISEAL Impacts Code

    Article: posted 28 Jul 2014

    Fairtrade International recently passed an independent evaluation against the ISEAL Alliance’s Impacts Code – a framework for building a monitoring and evaluation system that examines both short- and ...

  • Manarcadu Social Service Society (India)

    Producer profile: posted 29 Sep 2014

    A group of ambitious farmers came together in 2001 to start Manarcadu Social Service Society (MASS) with the objective of helping the farming community in Kottayam and Idukki districts of Kerala ...

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“Fairtrade creates relationships, very strong relationships. It makes us become like a big family and I really appreciate that. “Kum Ninsonga