Fairtrade and living wages for workers

Fairtrade’s ambition is that workers have the power to improve their own livelihoods and negotiate their wages and terms of work. That’s why living wages is a fundamental aspect of our strategy.

Worker and bananas
Worker and bananas

Workers at farms, factories and plantations are among the most vulnerable people in global trade. Without access to land or unable to make a living from it, they often have few options for a sustainable livelihood. These workers often lack formal contracts, freedom of association, basic health and safety assurances, and adequate wages, among other challenges. And often do not earn a living wage.

What is a living wage? It is a wage that covers the basic needs of workers and their families, including food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, transport to work and a little extra for unforeseen circumstances.

At Fairtrade we work to address this gap, going beyond our standards.

Fairtrade's approach to achieving Living Wages

  • Fair pricing

  • Value addition

  • Efficiency and productivity

  • Market access

  • Fairtrade Premium investments

  • Advocacy and policy change

  • Collaboration

  • Consumer awareness

  • Setting floor wages

“For Fairtrade it is essential that living wages are recognised as a human right and a normal cost of doing business.

Fairtrade urges retailers and traders to commit to fair prices, to ensure consistency between their sustainability pledges and sourcing practices.” 

says Wilbert Flinterman, Senior Advisor Workers’ Rights and Trade Union Relations, Fairtrade International.

Living Income Prices and the Anker Methodology

Fairtrade calculates Living Income Prices using the Anker Methodology, which considers the local cost of essential items to determine a fair wage for producers. This method takes into account variations in living costs across different regions, ensuring that the living income is context-specific and adequate.

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The Anker Methodology:

To determine living wages, Fairtrade utilises the Anker Methodology. This approach calculates local costs of maintaining a decent but basic standard of living and takes into account essential needs of workers and their families. The Anker Methodology ensures precise and context-specific wage benchmarks, allowing workers to afford necessities like food, housing, education, healthcare, transportation, clothing and savings for unforeseen circumstances.

Choosing Fairtrade means supporting workers’ rights to a decent income, and putting more money directly in the hands of workers themselves.