News and Features

  • Fairtrade Farmers Gear Up to Address Child Labour

    Article posted: 11 Jun 2014

    The ILO estimates there are 168 million children still working across the globe. On World Day Against Child Labour we realize that while worldwide condemnation of child labour and standards ...

  • Farmers to have equal say in Fairtrade

    Press release posted: 10 Jun 2013

    In a ground-breaking move, producers of tea, coffee, bananas and other goods will have half the votes at Fairtrade International’s annual General Assembly in Germany on Wednesday, 12 June 2013.

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Fairtrade is much more than merely an environmental certification, it is the only and best ethical and social certification that really ensures social and environmental, ethical and economic impact, and therefore human impact.Enrique Calderon, coffee farmer, COOPEAGRI cooperative, Costa Rica

Image of farmer scooping coffee cherries