10 Nov 2022

Media Advisory

Fairtrade Convenes 'Building a Fair Carbon Food System' – A COP27 side event on how food can tackle emissions for a low carbon tomorrow

SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt – Food systems are responsible for nearly 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. But from farm to fork, supply chain actors are stepping up and taking action to mitigate their carbon footprints. At the same time, new market developments are demanding robust carbon methodologies that can provide co-benefits beyond mitigation.

On 11 November, Fairtrade, Foundation Development and Climate Alliance, and FairClimateFund will convene Building a Fair Carbon Food System ­– a high-level COP27 side event that will ask what a fair carbon food system means for farmers, traders, and consumers and explain what role nature-based solutions can play in advancing corporate climate commitments along supply chains.


Building a Fair Carbon Food System: How food can tackle emissions for a low carbon tomorrow


Juan Pablo Solís – Senior Advisor, Climate, Fairtrade International;
Deborah Osei-Mensah – Cocoa Producer and Fairtrade Ambassador;
Neera van der Geest – CEO, FairClimateFund;
Dr. Olivia Henke
– Chair, Foundation Development and Climate Alliance

WHEN: Friday 11 November @ 4:45 PM EET

WHERE: Blue Zone - Room 4 (Khufu)

CONTACT: Carolyn Kariuki

T: +254 722 472 385 / +20 1050208206

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