An assessment of Fairtrade commercial partners’ EUDR compliance preparedness

Brief overview of tender

The primary research question of this review consultancy is “What are Fairtrade’s commercial partners and other similar scale of companies doing to prepare for EUDR compliance in terms of data?”. Secondary questions include the following: “To what extent and how are Fairtrade’s commercial partners and other similar scale of companies managing the entire data cycle? I.e. how are they mapping the geolocations, or engaging (or not) 3rd party data providers or partnerships that are supporting them in the exercise, storing the data, processing, handling alerts, mitigation measures and traceability? And how can Fairtrade draw learnings to improve its own process? Finally, what are the associated costs?”.

The ultimate outcome of this review is to ensure that GI’s data collection and support plan for EUDR compliance is cognizant of existing strategies and thus is appropriately adjusted or adapted to create more efficiencies for providing data/data analysis where the market need exists and not otherwise. The goal is to avoid redundancies in GI’s service provision, while identifying efficiencies in processes or partnerships that GI can capitalise on.

Deadline: 5 Jul 2024

Please note: guidance on how to apply is available in the download.