5 Sep 2022

Statement on Pakistan Floods

Fairtrade is deeply saddened by the devastating flooding affecting Pakistan and the destruction and loss of life it has caused across the country in recent days.

“I want to express my sincerest condolences to all those affected by this terrible calamity and to the families of those who lost their lives,” Fairtrade Global CEO Sandra Uwera said.

The impacts of climate change are being felt everywhere. But catastrophic weather events such as the Pakistan floods are being felt most in those regions of the world least responsible for the climate crisis.

“The flooding in Pakistan is yet another dramatic warning that the shocks of climate change are reverberating far and wide with disastrous consequences, claiming lives and destroying livelihoods,” continued Ms. Uwera.

“Fairtrade calls on governments of the world to take immediate climate action, financially support those communities most vulnerable to climate change, and help drive the transition to a more sustainable future for all.”

According to Fairtrade NAPP, Fairtrade’s producer network for the Asia-Pacific, the flooding has affected four of Pakistan’s five provinces. The majority of Fairtrade producers are located in the South and Central Province of Punjab and have largely escaped damage with the exception of Mountain Fruits Pvt Limited in the Gilgit Baltistan Province.

Fairtrade NAPP is assessing the extent of damage and the support required by Fairtrade producers in the country. Fairtrade producers are also working in their individual capacities to assist impacted communities through donations and other forms of support.