News and Features

  • Fairtrade Climate Academy Gets Boost from Dutch Postcode Lottery

    Article posted: 27 Jan 2016

    At the yearly ‘Goed Geld Gala’ on January 26th, the Dutch Postcode Lottery announced that they will support the Fairtrade Climate Academy, a new program proposed by Max Havelaar (Fairtrade ...

  • Fairtrade International recognized for transparency

    Article posted: 17 Dec 2015

    Fairtrade International is proud to be top of the list in Bond and Nido’s Transparency Review 2015 of 48 organizations, together with BBC Media Action and Oxfam.

  • Peruvian Banana Farmers Adept at Adaptation

    Article posted: 15 May 2015

    Organic banana farmers in Peru are seeing the effect of climate change and beginning the process of adapting with help from Kaufland, a German chain of super markets, and Fairtrade International.

  • Gender Equality: Good for Women, Business & Development

    Article posted: 6 Mar 2015

    Women in the communities Fairtrade serves often face barriers to participation. A new Fairtrade report highlights how gender equality can benefit not only women, but also the organizations and the ...

  • Committed to Impact, Fairtrade Complies with ISEAL Impacts Code

    Article posted: 28 Jul 2014

    Fairtrade International recently passed an independent evaluation against the ISEAL Alliance’s Impacts Code – a framework for building a monitoring and evaluation system that examines both short- and ...

  • Fairtrade Farmers Gear Up to Address Child Labour

    Article posted: 11 Jun 2014

    The ILO estimates there are 168 million children still working across the globe. On World Day Against Child Labour we realize that while worldwide condemnation of child labour and standards ...

  • Farmers to have equal say in Fairtrade

    Press release posted: 10 Jun 2013

    In a ground-breaking move, producers of tea, coffee, bananas and other goods will have half the votes at Fairtrade International’s annual General Assembly in Germany on Wednesday, 12 June 2013.

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“We try to cope with the effects of climate change, for example, (we) have been receiving training on good agricultural practices, such as intercropping our coffee farms with other crops, which are a source of income and also a source of food. "Zeddy Rotich, member of Kabngetuny Women in Coffee.